Thursday, January 24, 2013

When sunny days turn grey

The first step is admitting you have a problem...

That can be difficult for me sometimes. Good emotional health is just as important as physical health and we can easily forget that.  

I have had a difficult week and have been struggling with a specific situation for a while.  When things get difficult for me I try my best to laugh it away and joke about it without acknowledging the problem, which isn’t always the best way to handle life.  

When I explained my 'stuff' to a good friend I tried to downplay it, but soon tears started welling up in my eyes, DAMNIT! As I continued to talk with him, tears started running down my face…how embarrassing. And then I was apologizing, but he kept reassuring me that it was okay and I was normal.

It’s okay to feel sad and crazy sometimes. Even sunny days can turn grey. It would be completely unrealistic to be happy all the time.  

After I did my rambling...he rained cold hard truth and it was a bit hard to hear at first, but affirming and calming towards the end. I respect him for being so honest with me and holding no judgment.

It is very important to surround yourself with people who take you as you are, but want you at your best and will help you along the way.

Things may not be sunny for me right now, but I am still going to smile…

Because it is in the darkest of moments we find the strength we didn’t know we had. 

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