Tuesday, January 29, 2013

People pleaser? Guilty as charged

I am a recovering people pleaser. 

I am the kind of girl at a get together that makes sure to talk and engage everyone in conversation to make them feel comfortable and welcome. When a friend calls, I will be right there. If people need help with this or that, I'm on it. And if something sounds interesting I'll raise my hand and do it.  

Lately, I have been picking up a lot of projects and getting out there and meeting new people. This is great, but I have had to stop and ask myself:

"Am I doing this for my own benefit? Or for others?" "Is this what God wants, or what I want?"

I am human and looooove recognition and praise, who doesn't? But the truth is I shouldn't be doing things to please people, but to please God. At the end of my day, that's all that matters. Why? Because there is NO LOGICAL WAY we can please everyone.  If we try, we are just setting ourselves up for failure. But how do we know when we are going off track? 

For me, this is when I know I am slipping..

  • When I start feeling not good enough. 
  • When I start losing my self confidence. 
  • When I start getting lazy and unmotivated.
  • When I start caring about what others think. 

When these things start happening I know my heart is in the wrong place and I have to re-evaluate my intentions and motivations. That is when I spend some quiet time with God and ask for direction and sometimes it takes a while, but He always speaks to me and sets my path straight.

The benefits of pleasing God vs. pleasing people...

Peace, joy, happiness and fulfillment.  

I have felt nothing like it.  Although I get happy hearing "Great job" "You're Awesome" or "I love you" from others there is still a disconnect. The same person that said, "You're awesome" may get mad at you tomorrow.  Or maybe you have experienced someone saying, "I love you", and then they walk out of your life in a month. 

It happens and when it does it doesn't make sense.  

People are unpredictable, but God isn't.

When I know that I am in line with God I feel an overwhelming sense of elation and peace in my heart that I can't get enough of and it is consistent. He continues to walk with me every step of the way.

Also, when I am in line with God I am always led to the RIGHT people and the RIGHT opportunities when I am ready.   

If you are struggling with your faith, or feel like you are getting wrapped up into others too much, I encourage you to just take some quiet time and pray about it.  Ask for guidance and it will come.

I am no saint. At all.
And my faith continues to be a work in progress...but it is a journey that I love.

But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts. 
- 1 Thessalonians 2:4

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