Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A change in direction


I did some more thinking and tweaked my 2013 plan a little bit. Instead of pushing myself to try something new twice a week (intentionally) I am aiming a bit higher. I am going to push myself , mind, body and soul, to get healthier and happier.

  • I am hoping to lose weight and eat healthier
  • Dig deeper into my Christian faith 
  • Serve more
  • Deepen my relationships with my friends and family
  • Save more money
  • Become a budget friendly fashionista
  • Try new things! 

How's it been going? Pretty well, without thinking TOO hard. 

Life is this interesting balancing act and if you focus too much on one thing or too many things it gets all jumbled. So, I am doing what makes me happy, when I want and how I want...within reason and with goals in mind.


I have NEVER been good at exercising, why? Because I really haven't seen the need. I have always been a good size and never put on weight, but I was looking at some pictures and I was not too pleased. I have to admit, self-esteem issues have never really been an issue..its just when you see your dress size going up you have to act on it.

My health goal:
  • Lose 10-15 pounds
  • Eat better
  • Sustain the lifestyle

My action steps:
  • Getting rid of my gym membership. Sounds crazy right? I am debating whether I am making the right decision, but ONE- I'm cheap, TWO- I'm cheap, and THREE- I'm trying to be creative
  • Working with my employers to help me out. - I spend 80% of my day at work, sitting at a desk and I commute 50 miles each way. The last thing I want to do when I get home is go out in the cold and go to the gym, but we have one at work! So, I asked if I could use it and they have said yes. 
  • Looking up some products to help me. I have scoured the internet, looking at diet plans, programs and health products just to find myself confused and exhausted. I talked to some friends and have decided to try Lifesource Vitamin's meal replacement. We'll see how it goes.
I have so much more to tell you, but I have all year to do it. Exciting things are in the making! 

1 comment:

  1. Get the okay with your doctor before you take the Lifesource Vitamin's meal replacement.
