Thursday, January 31, 2013

Call it crazy

I loooovee venturing off by myself. I enjoy being around people, but I love my me time. As I wander around the bustling Cedar Valley buying groceries, shopping, or grabbing coffee I can't help but listen to conversations in passing.

The other night I was in a restaurant  and heard a group of people talking. They were talking kinda loud so it was hard NOT to eavesdrop on what they were saying. After an awkward stitching of sentences I first thought the situation was a about this guy's relationship with his dog (what the??) ...But after listening more clearly I assessed that the guy had dated a girl (not a dog), OHHH

It didn't end up well, because after the first couple dates he figured out she was crazy and ran for the hills.

Now, what do I know? They girl may have been crazy. She may have been sent to jail for murder or drowned her cats (worse case scenario)...  But what if she just liked watching a lot of Antique Roadshow and wasn't an eloquent speaker? What if she had a bad day and talks a lot when she's nervous?... We've all had our moments. So, don't you think we use the term crazy a bit too often?

Because if by crazy you mean... able to express your emotions and ideas openly and be whoever the heck you are... Then I think we all need to amp up on the crazy.

Navigating the winding road of getting to know and open up to someone is difficult as it is...on TOP of that we now have to worry about censoring ourselves for fear of being "crazy". No thanks. A relationship is built  on being able to be yourself. And if you like watching Antique Roadshow every night, so be it! If you talk a lot when you get nervous, oh well. Instead of laughing at people, laugh with them.

My take on it is if we are a society that is cool with posting half naked pictures of ourselves online and shouting the details of our day to the world, we can be open to giving people a chance (or 3 or 4)

Embrace your inner crazy.

<----This guy sure does.

I wish I could eat Cannolis like that!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

People pleaser? Guilty as charged

I am a recovering people pleaser. 

I am the kind of girl at a get together that makes sure to talk and engage everyone in conversation to make them feel comfortable and welcome. When a friend calls, I will be right there. If people need help with this or that, I'm on it. And if something sounds interesting I'll raise my hand and do it.  

Lately, I have been picking up a lot of projects and getting out there and meeting new people. This is great, but I have had to stop and ask myself:

"Am I doing this for my own benefit? Or for others?" "Is this what God wants, or what I want?"

I am human and looooove recognition and praise, who doesn't? But the truth is I shouldn't be doing things to please people, but to please God. At the end of my day, that's all that matters. Why? Because there is NO LOGICAL WAY we can please everyone.  If we try, we are just setting ourselves up for failure. But how do we know when we are going off track? 

For me, this is when I know I am slipping..

  • When I start feeling not good enough. 
  • When I start losing my self confidence. 
  • When I start getting lazy and unmotivated.
  • When I start caring about what others think. 

When these things start happening I know my heart is in the wrong place and I have to re-evaluate my intentions and motivations. That is when I spend some quiet time with God and ask for direction and sometimes it takes a while, but He always speaks to me and sets my path straight.

The benefits of pleasing God vs. pleasing people...

Peace, joy, happiness and fulfillment.  

I have felt nothing like it.  Although I get happy hearing "Great job" "You're Awesome" or "I love you" from others there is still a disconnect. The same person that said, "You're awesome" may get mad at you tomorrow.  Or maybe you have experienced someone saying, "I love you", and then they walk out of your life in a month. 

It happens and when it does it doesn't make sense.  

People are unpredictable, but God isn't.

When I know that I am in line with God I feel an overwhelming sense of elation and peace in my heart that I can't get enough of and it is consistent. He continues to walk with me every step of the way.

Also, when I am in line with God I am always led to the RIGHT people and the RIGHT opportunities when I am ready.   

If you are struggling with your faith, or feel like you are getting wrapped up into others too much, I encourage you to just take some quiet time and pray about it.  Ask for guidance and it will come.

I am no saint. At all.
And my faith continues to be a work in progress...but it is a journey that I love.

But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts. 
- 1 Thessalonians 2:4


Looking for a calorie friendly, healthy, tasty and QUICK dinner? 

Try Lemon Garlic Talapia. It is 150 calories (1 filet, 4 oz) and super easy to make! 

All you need is - Talapia, Lemon Juice, Butter, Garlic, Parsley and a little pepper and salt to taste...

It went from this...

to this...

In just 30 minutes! I coupled it up with Minestrone soup and it was delicious!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Lacey Affair --fashion fun--

Fun and affordable fashion has always been an interest of mine. Since I have been working on my physical health a little more, I feel more comfortable rocking the fitted dresses.  So, I started browsing and found a fun one that incorporates vintage and modern elements like lace.

How much did I pay for it..


I couldn't believe it.  It is mostly made of polyester and spandex so it stretches to conform to my body.  I was worried it would look cheap but the lace dresses it up a lot.

I matched it up with simple wine colored nails, suede pumps with a bow on top, and dangle earrings.

Tip: If you want to accentuate your neckline and keep it classy, scoop necks are the way to go. Make sure the front of the dress doesn't dip down too low. Spritz on some perfume, bust out the red lipstick, grab a clutch and out the door you go.  Perfect for date night or drinks with the girls!

Looking for retro-chic dresses? Check out Modcloth! 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

When sunny days turn grey

The first step is admitting you have a problem...

That can be difficult for me sometimes. Good emotional health is just as important as physical health and we can easily forget that.  

I have had a difficult week and have been struggling with a specific situation for a while.  When things get difficult for me I try my best to laugh it away and joke about it without acknowledging the problem, which isn’t always the best way to handle life.  

When I explained my 'stuff' to a good friend I tried to downplay it, but soon tears started welling up in my eyes, DAMNIT! As I continued to talk with him, tears started running down my face…how embarrassing. And then I was apologizing, but he kept reassuring me that it was okay and I was normal.

It’s okay to feel sad and crazy sometimes. Even sunny days can turn grey. It would be completely unrealistic to be happy all the time.  

After I did my rambling...he rained cold hard truth and it was a bit hard to hear at first, but affirming and calming towards the end. I respect him for being so honest with me and holding no judgment.

It is very important to surround yourself with people who take you as you are, but want you at your best and will help you along the way.

Things may not be sunny for me right now, but I am still going to smile…

Because it is in the darkest of moments we find the strength we didn’t know we had. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A portrait of love

What is love?

I remember someone asking in my high school government class.

Odd topic huh? Now, we were all immature 17 year olds with romantic ideas of love. We thought of love as being someone who says nice things to you, hugs you, showers you with presents.

And that's when our teacher said...

"I never saw what love was until I watched my father physically clean up my mother after she had accidents."  

With age, elderly people sometimes lose control of their bowels.

I don't know why that stuck with me so much.  Back then, I found it semi-disgusting and I was confused, but now I find it beautiful. True love sustains through the good, bad and the ugly.

Through sickness and health...

When I saw this picture I got teary eyed. It is a  reminder of the core of love: selflessness. A man teaching his girlfriend the alphabet after her stroke.

This is the kind of love that everybody wants..but little do we realize how much work it takes. This doesn't happen overnight. And it is very important to find that person who can stick by you through everything. Someone who is willing to be with you when you are sick, when you are healthy, when you are lost, when you don't look the best. Because if they truly love you, they will do it. It won't be easy, but they will do it..and you should too.

I encourage you to take some time and reflect. What is love to you? Is it healthy? What qualities do you want in your partner? And the toughy ...Could you fall in love with yourself? It sounds odd, but you might come up with some very interesting answers.

Just think about it and remember

Love is a wonderful thing 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I was here

This video reminds us of the impact we can make on this world.
 It is powerful. And it made me cry. Well worth the watch

Together we can change the world. 

Leave your mark

Monday, January 21, 2013

Healthy cooking doesn't have to be painful


Today I joined Live Healthy Iowa with my co-workers. We are doing a 10 week fitness challenge to be more active.

I have already lost 2 pounds so that's good!  A huge part of getting healthy and reaching your fitness goals is eating right.  It sounds so elementary, but I underestimated this a lot. Like I said earlier, I never really had to worry about it,  but now I find myself checking labels and trying to substitute things in my head. (ie: instead of eating a chocolate bar I opt for apples and peanut butter). Slowly but surely 

I also tapped into the beauty of Pinterest.  Unlike many women, I never really got into it..but I sure did today.  Thanks to Pinterest I got a simple and quick supper recipe.

Instead of using a really fatty sauce base like alfredo sauce, or sour cream, I used Chobani Plain Greek Yogurt.  1 cup = 140 Calories only!

I mixed in some seasonings together to form a paste 

and slapped it on the chicken. Literally -Slapped it on -

This goopy looking mess ended up turning out like this..


The whole thing took less then an hour. Standing time - less then 30 minutes. 

Healthy, quick, colorful, light, tasty and easy!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The strength of my heart

God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. -Psalm 73:26

Being the daughter of a pastor doesn't give you much choice when it comes to going to church on Sundays. Every single Sunday was spent in a church pew. I can admit that sometimes I didn't want to go at all and tried to think of excuses, "I'm sick, I'm tired, I have to practice for my piano recital", but nothing worked. I remember even on prom weekend after getting 2 hours of sleep, low and behold, my parents made sure I was in that pew at 10:30 a.m.

I questioned whether my parents were doing the right thing during those days, because I felt like I wasn't getting much out of it when I wasn't in the mood to be there... but I couldn't thank them enough. It has definitely paid off and made me the woman I am today.

As I continue to grow in age, I am growing spiritually and feel off if I don't go to church on Sundays. It is a place where I am renewed and encouraged. I am reminded of how much God loves me and I am strengthened.

To continue to serve others and be the best I can be I know that I need God. Without God I am nothing.  Time and time again when I am tired and don't know if I could volunteer one more hour, or sit and talk to one more person, or put a smile on, I am reminded that I am called to do it.

I may not want to do it, but I have to do it and am ALWAYS renewed when I do.  What some people may call 'forcing' your children or even 'forcing' yourself...leads to good. It leads to leads to good health.

Being spiritually healthy leads to a deep sense of happiness that I can't get anywhere else. And this year I want to continue to grow in my walk with Jesus and serve others.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


And the journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle continues...

Yesterday I cooked a healthy meal consisting of chicken sandwich on a foccacia roll and mixed veggies.  It was pretty easy. I got the chicken from Martin Brothers for 15.99, but there's so much in there and I can season it however I please. Buying in bulk is the good way to go! (I will put up pictures next time, promise)

Everyone who knows me knows my love for soda. I used to drink up to 4 a day! Can you believe that? So, this getting rid of it is killing me..but then I realized, I don't have to if I don't want to. So instead of opening up a whole can of pop..I took a couple sips from my friends and it was all I needed. Craving curbed (check)

Then it got interesting...

As I said earlier, I do not want to join a gym.  Now, I will be using the weight room at my workplace, but I am not paying for classes or to run a treadmill. So I busted out my tablet and got onto
Body Rock TV.  It was 12 minutes of grueling exercise, but I felt the burn alright. I love how I can do it in my own home and they yell at me and tell me what to do. That's what works best for me.

I did it one hour after eating (which probably wasn't a good decision) as I was feeling nauseous afterwards. But my legs felt like jelly and I was sweating, great!

Completely enthralled by the amazing resources online I got to searching and decided to do something new.

Never ever have I... done yoga. So I did it!

I did a beginners yoga class on YouTube geared towards weight loss..and maybe I should of gone for the beginners class for beginners. I did what I could, but ended up falling on my butt and laughing hysterically.

I finished my night laying on the floor doing some guided meditation and put on some Ravi Shankar and traditional Japanese music. Coupled with breathing exercises my brain was in its happy place.  I turned the lights down and just let all my muscles relax and mind go (but not wander).  After I was done I felt at peace and relaxed.


I seem to be getting into an eating routine. Protein shake in the morning (which has kept me pretty full), had a lean cuisine pizza thingy for lunch, I am going to eat my multi-vitamins, light snack midday and light dinner tonight. Getting some ideas from .  I am feeling good as I work towards progress. I am loving how much money I am saving too!

My mindset is shifting from, ahh I hate this to...I deserve to be healthy and feel good, mind, body and soul. I deserve to be the best woman I can be. So do you. Stay tuned for more

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Just got a neat present from Harpreet
Opti-Women Multivitamins
Here's to good health!
Watchout 2013

A change in direction


I did some more thinking and tweaked my 2013 plan a little bit. Instead of pushing myself to try something new twice a week (intentionally) I am aiming a bit higher. I am going to push myself , mind, body and soul, to get healthier and happier.

  • I am hoping to lose weight and eat healthier
  • Dig deeper into my Christian faith 
  • Serve more
  • Deepen my relationships with my friends and family
  • Save more money
  • Become a budget friendly fashionista
  • Try new things! 

How's it been going? Pretty well, without thinking TOO hard. 

Life is this interesting balancing act and if you focus too much on one thing or too many things it gets all jumbled. So, I am doing what makes me happy, when I want and how I want...within reason and with goals in mind.


I have NEVER been good at exercising, why? Because I really haven't seen the need. I have always been a good size and never put on weight, but I was looking at some pictures and I was not too pleased. I have to admit, self-esteem issues have never really been an issue..its just when you see your dress size going up you have to act on it.

My health goal:
  • Lose 10-15 pounds
  • Eat better
  • Sustain the lifestyle

My action steps:
  • Getting rid of my gym membership. Sounds crazy right? I am debating whether I am making the right decision, but ONE- I'm cheap, TWO- I'm cheap, and THREE- I'm trying to be creative
  • Working with my employers to help me out. - I spend 80% of my day at work, sitting at a desk and I commute 50 miles each way. The last thing I want to do when I get home is go out in the cold and go to the gym, but we have one at work! So, I asked if I could use it and they have said yes. 
  • Looking up some products to help me. I have scoured the internet, looking at diet plans, programs and health products just to find myself confused and exhausted. I talked to some friends and have decided to try Lifesource Vitamin's meal replacement. We'll see how it goes.
I have so much more to tell you, but I have all year to do it. Exciting things are in the making!